We love to get feedback on how much you liked our service! You can leave a review of your recent order to let us, and the rest of the world, know what you thought of your recent order. Before you can post a review, you need to have a valid Fishisfast account and have shipped an order. There's a 48-hour waiting period after the order has been shipped before you'll be able to submit your review.

To submit a review on Fishisfast

  1. Find your recent order under Outbox > Shipped
  2. Click 'Review' on the top right of the order you'd like to review
  3. Enter a short title, then give us your feedback about the order. Give the order a rating and click 'Create Review'

Note: Reviews that are not relevant to the order or contain prohibited content will not be posted. Including, but not limited to profanity, links outside of fishisfast.com, promotional material or advertisements, or private information.


To submit a review on Facebook

  1. Go to our page at http://www.facebook.com/fishisfast
  2. Click the menu and select 'Write a Review'
  3. Be sure to 'Like' our page while you're there!